Expert doctors opine Diamondback 360°® Orbital Atherectomy System is more convenient than available conventional devices.
Pune - Following the introduction of the latest technology in Orbital Atherectomy in India, expert doctors suggest that the new device, The Diamondback 360°® Orbital Atherectomy System which is a percutaneous orbital atherectomy device, is easy to use and convenient when compared to the conventional options available in the market. The device facilitates stent delivery in patients with coronary artery disease.
Doctors also shared their recent experiences of using the Diamondback 360°® Orbital Atherectomy System on their patients and found the device to be an all-in-one device thus eliminating the need to depend on multiple devices to treat their patients.
Dr. Jaskaran Dugal and Dr. Ajit Mehta, renowned interventional cardiologists at Jehangir Hospital in Pune, who recently operated on a patient with a severely calcified lesion in blood vessels shared that with the new device, it was a bit easier to handle cases of patients with deep calcium depositions in their arteries.
Sharing his experience Dr. Jaskaran Dugal said that the device is more convenient to use. “The new machine can be moved both forward and backward, giving us a better chance of removing the calcium deposits,” added Dr Dugal.
Adding to this Dr. Mehta said,” We have been using the rotational atherectomy process and so we were a bit anxious while using the new technology. Our patient was undergoing a second heart procedure in less than 15 days and everything went very well. The same device can be used for arteries ranging from 2.5mm to 4 mm which makes it more beneficial.” added Mehta.
Sharing his views, Dr. Shirish Hiremath,Renowned cardiologist and Director Cathlab from Ruby Hall Clinic said that they recently operated on a 68-year-old woman who had a lot of calcification in her blood vessels. “Calcium deposition makes blood vessels very hard and when we place a stent, the stent expansion is really not complete, leading to poor long-term results. World over whenever there is calcium seen in blood vessels we need to cut the calcium in some way or another other and this device has additional advantages compared to other options available. The heavy calcification would not have allowed us to use the conventional balloon and stent because the stent cannot expand in the presence of such a high density of calcium. This is where such devices can help us in removing the calcium deposits. The conventional devices put stress on the blood vessels while removing the calcium but this is an overall safe device and we had a very pleasant experience using this device. “ added Dr Shirish Hiremath.
Further explaining the added benefits of the device.Dr C N Makhale HOD cardiology ,Ruby Hall Clinic Pune said that with such improved techniques patients would get very good long-term benefits.Highly calcified lesion can be treated with ease and safety as compared to other conventional devices in Market. The device is marketed by Innvolution Healthcare Private Limited.
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