Outstanding Border Issues With India Will Be Resolved Through Diplomatic Channels: Nepal PM

Outstanding Border Issues With India Will Be Resolved Through Diplomatic Channels: Nepal PM

Nepal Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli on Friday said the outstanding issues relating to the border issue with India will be resolved through diplomatic channels on the basis of historical accords, maps and factual documents. Oli, in a televised address to the nation, a week after the House of Representatives was dissolved by President

Nepal Prime Minister K P Sharma Oli on Friday said the outstanding issues relating to the border issue with India will be resolved through diplomatic channels on the basis of historical accords, maps and factual documents. Oli, in a televised address to the nation, a week after the House of Representatives was dissolved by President Bidya Devi Bhandari, underlined that Nepal’s international relations will be based on mutual benefit and honour to each other.

“Nepal’s international relations will be based on mutual benefit and honour to each other and collaboration will be sought with friendly countries on the basis of equality, justice and understanding,” said Oli, who is heading a minority government. He said the outstanding issues relating to border issues with India will be resolved through diplomatic channels on the basis of historical accords, maps and factual documents.

India-Nepal bilateral ties came under strain after Defence Minister Rajnath Singh inaugurated a 80-km-long strategically crucial road connecting the Lipulekh pass with Dharchula in Uttarakhand on May 8 last year. Nepal reacted sharply to the inauguration of the road, claiming that it passed through the Nepalese territory. India rejected the claim, asserting that the road lies completely within its territory.

Days later, Nepal came out with a new map showing Lipulekh, Kalapani and Limpiyadhura as its territories.After Nepal released the map, India reacted sharply, calling it a “unilateral act” and cautioning Kathmandu that such “artificial enlargement” of territorial claims will not be acceptable to it. India said that Nepal”s action violated an understanding reached between the two countries to resolve the boundary issues through talks.

He informed that the Nepal government has received 3.2 million doses of vaccines against the coronavirus in grants from friendly countries and purchased one million additional vaccines to start the drive against spread of the coronavirus. President Bidya Devi Bhandari on Saturday dissolved the 275-member House of Representatives for the second time in five months and announced snap elections on November 12 and November 19 on the advice of Prime Minister Oli, who is heading a minority government. She rejected the bids of both Prime Minister Oli and the Opposition alliance’s claims to form a government, saying the claims were insufficient.

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