Flipkart introduces ‘SuperCoins’

Flipkart introduces ‘SuperCoins’

Bangalore: Flipkart, India’s leading marketplace, has announced a first-of-its-kind multi-brand Rewards Ecosystem ‘SuperCoins’, designed to provide benefits to millions of its customers. SuperCoins will work as a rewardsecosystem for not only shopping on Flipkart, but also across more than 100 partner brands including Zomato, OYO, UrbanClap, PhonePe and MakeMyTrip. Flipkart Plus members will now experience

Bangalore: Flipkart, India’s leading marketplace, has announced a first-of-its-kind multi-brand Rewards Ecosystem ‘SuperCoins’, designed to provide benefits to millions of its customers. SuperCoins will work as a rewardsecosystem for not only shopping on Flipkart, but also across more than 100 partner brands including Zomato, OYO, UrbanClap, PhonePe and MakeMyTrip. Flipkart Plus members will now experience a better rewards store with SuperCoins, which will be rolled out by early July. This will be followed by a national roll-out of SuperCoins to the larger customer base, over the next few weeks.

SuperCoins can be earned on all Flipkart transactions and Partner services hosted on the Flipkart App and can be redeemed for exciting rewards from an ever-increasing rewards portfolio, making every single transaction a rewarding experience for customers.

How Flipkart Plus is being strengthened with SuperCoins:” src=”blob:http://indiareal.in/f2d2c790-cb92-4206-a120-fefff1b7a730″ alt=”image002.png” align=”left” hspace=”12″ vspace=”12″ v:shapes=”Picture_x0020_1″ class=”Apple-web-attachment Singleton” style=”width: 1.6979in; height: 0.9895in; opacity: 1;”>

  • Flipkart Plus members to get 2X more SuperCoins than non-Plus members
  • Plus customers can combine SuperCoins with their preferred payment method for their purchases on Flipkart
  • Flipkart Plus members can redeem a wider range of rewards with SuperCoins


Unlike credit card rewards programs, this initiative will  unlock benefits for a large set of previously under-served customers who were paying for products and services with only cash. The SuperCoins ecosystem is open to customers irrespective of the payment method they choose.

Traditional reward programs haven’t achieved their full potential because of their restricted opportunities to convert points to rewards, while being limited within their own business ecosystem. Flipkart’s SuperCoin ecosystem will overcome these challenges meaningfully, by bringing in a wide range of  partners  from across the food, travel and entertainment segments.

Speaking about the launch of Flipkart SuperCoins, Prakash Sikaria, Vice President, Growth & Monetization, at Flipkartsaid, “SuperCoins builds on our learnings from the Flipkart Plus Customer program, where we have seen successful adoption of rewards and how it can positively shape consumer demand and experience. With SuperCoins, customers will now be rewarded for doing everything they love, agnostic of which brand services they avail, and it will all be managed on one single platform. SuperCoins will give people access to a host of never-before-seen rewards and services, offering greater value, flexibility and choice. This will also greatly benefit our Reward Partners by not just enabling them to engage with over 160 million Flipkart customers, but also help them reap the benefits of a true multi-brand ecosystem. ”

With SuperCoins, Flipkart is set to revolutionize the customer rewards landscape while becoming the one-stop destination for a host of purchase requirements.

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