Kerala Assembly Passes Resolution to Remove Lakshadweep Administrator, Seeks Centre’s Immediate Intervention


Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan while presenting the resolution in the assembly has said that attempts are being made to implement “saffron agenda” and “corporate interests” in Lakshadweep. Pinarayi Vijayan said, “it began with painting saffron on coconut trees and now it has reached a stage where the livelihood and culture of the people is being

Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan while presenting the resolution in the assembly has said that attempts are being made to implement “saffron agenda” and “corporate interests” in Lakshadweep.

Pinarayi Vijayan said, “it began with painting saffron on coconut trees and now it has reached a stage where the livelihood and culture of the people is being affected.” He added that the administrator is taking steps that are destroying the culture and life of the people.

“It’s unheard of in our country that people who have more than 2 children cannot contest in panchayath elections. We should see the actions in lakshadweep as a test of Sangh parivar agenda. Efforts are being made by Sangh parivar to change the culture, language, way of life, food of people to their convenience. There should be strong resistance against the attempts to enslave society to corporate interests and Hindutva politics.” the CM added.

CM said that it Is the centre’s responsibility to ensure that the interests of these people should be protected. The Administrator, who is challenging the interests of the people, must be removed and that the Centre must take immediate action to protect the lives and livelihood of the people of Lakshadweep.

V D Satheesan while speaking on the resolution said that Lakshadweep is being turned into a laboratory- to test if such draconian laws can be imposed upon people. He added that the democratic systems are thrown into the air. The administrator who is supposed to be guarding the rights of the people is oppressing them instead.

The aim is also to destroy the livelihood of the people. The sheds that fishermen used to store boats and nets have been destroyed.

CM said that Action has been taken to bring in the goonda act In a place like Lakshadweep where crimes are very rare. This shows that they are ready to deal with protests that erupt out of such measures.

The resolution also stated that Lakshadweep and Kerala for centuries have had closed links. People have close deep traditional and social ties. Before the Colonisation, several islands of Lakshadweep were under the Arrakal royal family. Till 1956 Nov 1, Lakshadweep was part of the Malabar district. The language among the people of Lakshadweep is Malayalam. The island is connected to Kerala also for education, health and commerce. Lakshadweep people are brothers to People in Kerala, because of close ties.

The move to give extraordinary power to those governing Lakshadweep to take over land and property of people has created anxiety among people

The resolution said that the atrocities being committed on traditions of people is worse than during the colonial rule. The resolution said that Lakshadweep is under central rule and it is centres responsibility to ensure that the interests of those people should be protected.

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