Content and Brand is Media-Neutral

Content and Brand is Media-Neutral

Sayani Haldar Kolkata: Dr. Annurag Batra, the founder, chairman and editor – in- chief of iconic media4exhange – India’s leading media industry website, PITCH – India’s Advertising, Marketing and Media Magazine, chairman of BW Business World group, successful entrepreneur. He was a former student of IIT Delhi. He is storyteller of many success stories. He

Sayani Haldar

Kolkata: Dr. Annurag Batra, the founder, chairman and editor – in- chief of iconic media4exhange – India’s leading media industry website, PITCH – India’s Advertising, Marketing and Media Magazine, chairman of BW Business World group, successful entrepreneur. He was a former student of IIT Delhi. He is storyteller of many success stories.

He attended the Media Next -2020 conclave. He was the speaker of second day. He discussed about so many things like how content marketing grows up and how it rules the current industry and as he mentioned the very important term “Multiple media platform”. He told that brand and content is media neutral which is available on television, magazine, and OTT platform. He more elaborated the possibilities of it in next few years. Mr. Batra is also appointed by Government of India as the Chairman of an industry committee formed to come up with a vocational training framework for the media, communication and entertainment industry.

 MediaNext is organized by Adamas University along with ABP Education, India-Real, Exchange4media, Lok Samvad Sansthan, DME,Birla Global University. This conclave will goes on for 10 day from 1st June to 10th  june.There are so many speakers, personalities those who are discussing about this current pandemic situation,branding,content marketing and different sectors of media.

 Dr. Batra is, one of the youngest successful media planners in India. He was the system analyst of renowned companies like Tata Consultancy Service. He is a 35 year strong media brand as well as most respected business publication in the country. He does face to face digital event.

Dr. Batra gives us an important point to give a look that an entrepreneur should blend three things to make a business perfect, which are business, content and technology. He mentioned that nowadays we can use content for different purpose. In media, we have to domain expert, there are so many domains like fooblogging, travelogue, agriculture, sports, advertising, politics.Content will exist in triple layer format – text, audio or podcast and video and this format is very essential.

 He further included that storytelling is the future and business of Media Next. He emphasized on the topic that business- media content and media has become polarized. He focused on building community through content, through which we have to focus B2B (business to business) communication.      Mr. Batra explain that content should be relevant thus people can relate to it. He more included that case study and benchmarking is more important to make a community.

He nicely explained that ‘World is full of specialist and specialist will definitely try Media Next’.

 Today is the era of digital media and day after day the scenario is changing.Nowdays traditional media is less effective than digital media. If someone is a good story teller, planner, event manager, PR professional then he/she is future of MediaNext. He also suggested that now having a camera, being an editor helps us to be a Media- expert. According to Dr.Batra we all have technology, social media so we all are influencer who help to promote a brand. He focused on continuity of any habit and we should keep it. He more included that today newspaper is a way to reaching out to audience but you have to increase your brand value more then make it sure that audience will visit specific websites, platforms, apps etc and better ones will obviously survive and which is digital media and it has been proved.

He more added to make us authentic “Being in media do the right things and do it in right manner”.


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