BJP Satara | MP Dheeraj Sahu's effigy burnt at Powai Naka
Protest movement of BJP in Satara
Satara / Representative : Congress Rajya Sabha MP Shri Dhiraj Prasad Sahu's house was raided by the Income Tax department and the common Indians understood the corruption of the Congress only because they had to call for note counting machines. On the instructions of the state president Chandrashekharji Bawankule, a protest was held at Powai Naka under the leadership of BJP district president Darisheel Kadam in Satara. Photo of Khasdadara was attached and symbolic effigy was burnt, protests were held in Satara, Karad, Y, Phaltan and Koregaon in Satara district.
District President Darhisheel Kadam said that on December 6, 2023, the Income Tax Department raided 10 locations of liquor manufacturing company Baldev Sahu and Group in Jharkhand and Odisha. The Income Tax Department has raided the Satpura office of Baldev Sahu Company, which is 30 km away from the Bolangir office, and seized Rs 200 crore in cash. Kadam said that the district BJP is condemning such corrupt tendencies.
On this occasion District President Dharishsheel Kadam, State Vice President of Badke Vimukt Aghadi Ed. Deepak Patil, Satara City President Vikas Gosavi, Satara Taluka West President Mahesh Gade, Javali Taluka President Srihari Gole, Rahimatpur Taluka President Bhimrao Patil, District General Secretary Vitthal Balshetwar, Chitralekha Mane-Kadam, State Secretary Mahila Morcha Sunisha Shah, State Secretary An.Jati Morcha Ed. Shailendra Kamble, District President Bhatke Vimukt Aghadi Vilas Atole, District President Social Media Cell Ravindra Lahoti, District President Anu.Jati Morcha Amit Bhise, District Vice President Dhananjay Jamble, Ranjit Phalke, Rahul Shivaname, Manish Mahadwale, Dr. Sachin Salunkhe, Dr. Sachin Bhosale, District Secretary Archanatai Deshmukh, Reena Bhange, Vaishalitai Tanksale, Kunja Khandare, Anita Bodus, Nisha Jadhav, Vanita Pawar, Kavita Jadhav, Priya Naik, Radhabai Gaikwad, Nirmala Patil, Avinash Kharshikar, Amol Tanksale, Sandeep Nanavare, Praveen Shahane, Ganesh Jadhav, Ravindra Apte, Vikram Borate, Raj Sonawale, Balu More, Sangita Jadhav, Amol Kamble, Vikas Raut, Anant Sable, Sunil Kamble, Prateek Pawar, Rahul Jadhav, Sanjay Atole, Netaji Ghadge, Ram Rao Ghadge, Raju Chavan, Krunal More, Jayaraj More, Sandeep Kadam, Chaitanya Bodus, Kiran Bhilare, Rohidas Navsare, activists and office bearers were present.
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