Amar Sable is a good option for BJP in Solapur?

Amar Sable is a good option for BJP in Solapur?

Solapur / Representative : In the Solapur Lok Sabha elections, BJP candidate was elected two times in a row with a margin of about one and a half lakh votes. Sharad Bansode was a unexpected victory in the Narendra Modi wave of 2014, but he is remembered for his controversial career during his five-year tenure. He was ridiculed by the Congress as drunked MP.

Then in 2019, Bharatiya Janata Party nominated Dr. Jaisiddheshwar Shivacharya. He won with a margin of about 1.58 lakh votes. But during these five years, Maharaja's bogus caste certificate was discussed vs development. The matter is still going on in the Caste Verification Committee and in Court. Maharaj, who spent most of his time in the Ashram, as Solapuri suffured for development.

Now preparations for 2024 Lok Sabha elections have started. As the Congress party has already announced that MLA Praniti Shinde will contest the Lok Sabha elections, who will now field a candidate in front of the BJP? That is the question. During the recent visit of BJP State President Chandrashekhar Bawankule, he had hinted to give a new candidate of BJP in Solapur and he had also said that that candidate will fill the backlog of ten years of Solapur.

Former Rajya Sabha MP Amar Sable is responsible for organizing & building of Solapur Lok Sabha constituency. He has a good relationship with Solapur for many years and has always been in touch with the people of Solapur. Amar Sable, who hails from Baramati, is a political opponent of Sharad Pawar.

Many people were interested in becoming Rajya Sabha MP but Amar Sable became MP without asking. Seeing his work in the Rajya Sabha, he was made a whip within three months. His name was then recommended by the Parliamentary Board for the post of Vice President in the election of the Vice President. The Prime Minister favored it, If he can be considered for the post of Vice President after only six months of work, it means that his work in the Rajya Sabha is definitely commendable.

In last ten years in Solapur Lok Sabha, people trusted BJP but the elected MPs could not gain the trust of the people. If Amar Sable gets a chance and gets elected to the Solapur Lok Sabha, with his good rapport with Prime Minister Modi and Home Miniter Amit Shah, his vision for development and dynamic personality will fill the development backlog of Solapur.

Looking at the overall political situation in the country, there are signs that the BJP government will be formed again at the center under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Prime Minister Modi has a special focus on Solapur, if the people of Solapur send Sable to the Lok Sabha, surely the Solapur Lok Sabha can develop as expected.

Staying in Pawar's stronghold like Baramati, he has honestly done Sangh Swayamsevak, fearless journalism and organizational work of BJP. Made a name for himself by working hard in the face of extreme adversity. Amar Sable has brightened his political career by staying in Baramati and believing in the BJP's ideology as a political opponent of Pawar. That is why his name is being discussed in this Solapur Lok Sabha Constituency and from the point of view of development of Solapur, voters are also expressing special expectations from him.


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