Pune’s Sandeep Sinha Guinness Records for world’s largest professional oil painting


Pune based Sandeep Sinha, one of India’s renowned, internationally-acclaimed artist, created history by achieving the Guinness World Records (GWR) title, for the ‘World’s largest professional oil painting by a single artist’, bringing glory and honour to the nation. “It was a very proud moment for me when Guinness declared India as the winner for ‘World’s largest professional

Pune based Sandeep Sinha, one of India’s renowned, internationally-acclaimed artist, created history by achieving the Guinness World Records (GWR) title,  for the ‘World’s largest professional oil painting by a single artist’, bringing glory and honour to the nation.

“It was a very proud moment for me when  Guinness declared India as the winner for ‘World’s largest professional oil painting by a single artist’. This record was earlier held with the US for almost 4 years for their painting of 22.46 square metres. We broke it with 48.78 square metres”, beams Sandeep.

Sandeep’s painting depicts a pastoral scene in the Himalayas. This painting was displayed for the first time at his solo exhibition of paintings, “Avahan – Awakening the Goddess within”, on 25th & 26th October 2018, at Raja Ravi Verma Art Gallery. The exhibition was inaugurated by Manasi Kirlsokar, an exceptional painter herself.

“Titled ‘HiMakhan’, which means ‘strong-minded as the Himalayas and soft-hearted as butter’, and Makhan is my father’s name, so have named it thus. It took me two and a half months to complete the painting.  As per the world record rules, the painting should be only a single scene. So I selected the Himalayan Ranges to convey the monumentality and grandeur of nature as the theme for this art work”, he explains. He dedicated this painting to the acid attack survivors. He said that as the Himalayas stand erect against all the odds, so do the acid attack survivors.

“I owe my success to my family, friends and well-wishers, without whose support this ‘Himalayan’ task would not have been possible”, sums up Sandeep.

Sandeep, an IT professional, working at TechMahindra, is a self-taught, abstract artist and in the past, had set another record with his much appreciated and recognized miniature painting in 2015. He had created a piece of art which consists of total 945 miniature paintings, of size of 1cm x 1cm each,  based on Life And Global Warming on a single 14” x11” canvas.

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