The Taj Mahal can be seen again in the moonlight

The Taj Mahal can be seen again in the moonlight

The Taj Mahal can be seen again in the moonlight

Agra / News Agency

Tourists will now be able to enjoy the magnificent view of the Taj Mahal, one of the wonders of the world, in the cool moonlight. During the Corona period, visiting the Taj Mahal at night was banned.

You will have to register the day before to visit the Taj Mahal in the moonlight at night. Tickets will be made available online. However, three slots have been made available for it from 8.30 pm to 9.00 pm, 9.00 pm to 9.30 pm and 9.30 pm to 10 pm, said Archaeological Department spokesperson Manu Sharma. This visit will also require compliance with the restrictions imposed for Corona Pandemic. However, the archaeology department has clarified that this will not be allowed on Sunday.

In the first wave of corona, visiting the Taj Mahal from  March 17 was completely banned. After a 188 days lock down, visit to the Taj Mahal allowed from September 21. In the second wave, visits to the Taj Mahal were again banned from April 16 to June 15. Although the Taj Mahal has since been opened to tourists, visitors have not been allowed to visit it at night. On From August 21, tourists will be able to visit the Taj Mahal at night in 3 sessions.

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