Major infiltration attempt on Kashmir border exposed

Major infiltration attempt on Kashmir border exposed

Military action continues to find intruders

Srinagar / News Agency

The biggest infiltration attempt by terrorists in the year has been uncovered at Uri on the Kashmir border. The army is on a mission to find the infiltrating militants. The attempt was revealed on Saturday evening. On the same day in 2016, two suicide bombers attacked Uri.

According to central government sources, on Saturday evening, security forces noticed about six terrorists trying to cross the Line of Control (LoC) into India. Troopers fired on the intruders to stop them. One soldier was injured in the firing by the intruders.

The search for the intruders is underway and the exact picture is not yet clear, the military said. The military spokesman said, it was the second largest infiltration operation since the arms embargo between India and Pakistan in February. Firing techniques are often adopted by the Pakistani military to protect intruders during infiltration operations. However, since the ceasefire in February, there has been no violation or aggression by the Pakistani military, the spokesman said.

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