Australia to hand over 14 smuggled artefacts to India

Australia to hand over 14 smuggled artefacts to India

Australia to hand over 14 smuggled artefacts to India

Sydney / News Agency

Nick Mitzevic, director of Australia's National Museum, said the artifacts smuggled from India to Australia would be returned to India. These works of art include sculptures, paintings, photographs. These are artifacts that have been stolen, smuggled out of India, or whose source is unknown.

These artifacts contain mainly religious or cultural references. It is valued at US २२ 2.2 million in the international market. The artwork will be delivered to India within a month. This is a great relief for us. "This is one of the most difficult times in our history," Mitzewicz said.

Thirteen of these 14 works belong to Manhattan-based antique trader and smuggler Subhash Kapoor. He was arrested in the United States in 2011 on charges of theft and smuggling of antiques. Of course, Kapoor has denied all the allegations.

Australia to return 'stolen' art to India | India – Gulf News

Many antiquities recovered from Kapoor have already been returned to India by the Australian National Museum. It includes a bronze idol worth 5 million. The idol was stolen from a temple in Tamil Nadu. During the Chola Empire in South India in the 11th and 12th centuries, various arts were given a big boost, especially in Tamil Nadu. Kapoor has smuggled various artefacts from this period to different countries.

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